Student Outreach at PCOM to #StopTimWise

Thanks to the volunteers who passed out over 200 flyers to students and placed them on cars today at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine.  The seasoned activists who went were amazed that every person who was handed a flyer read it with respect and curiosity.  The flyer included basic information about the upcoming Tim Wise event, one of his calls for the extinction of White people, as well as an article by an African-American feminist critic of Tim Wise.  Some students even returned to ask how they can help the campaign.  

The Campaign to #StopTimWise has also personally reached out to dozens of Osteopaths in the Philadelphia Metropolitan area to pass along information about how their alma mater is spending donor money on hate speech.  The fact is that the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine has a reservoir of good will in the community, but they cannot pay a bigot like Tim Wise to harangue their students without dipping into that reservoir.  The doctors who were available to comment are upset that the reputation of their school will be sullied for the narrow political goals of radicals who are not even Doctors within the administration.  Their responses can be summed up as basically, "Dr. Feldstein should know better."

Nearly 100 Osteopaths who could not be reached personally have been left voicemails and sent letters.  So far, NoHatersAtThePodium has limited its campaign against the Tim Wise speech at PCOM to the inner circle of students and alumni.  If PCOM does not cancel this event by the end of the week, we will reach out to the public at large.  We hope that Dr. Feldstein will listen to reason.

If you are interested in volunteering for our public outreach campaign sceduled to begin this weekend, write to 

Our materials for public distribution will be posted soon.  Until then, please spread the word to your fellow students and alumni at PCOM.