Stop Tim Wise Campaign Now on Facebook!

The Stop Tim Wise campaign is now on Facebook here. You can like the page to receive updates in your Facebook feed as well as make comments.

To reiterate, the Stop Tim Wise campaign exists because Tim Wise regularly makes incendiary comments regarding race to increase racial tensions and then profits from speaking tours and selling books about racism. Our organization, No Haters At The Podium seeks to bring attention to Wise's unethical practices and empower people to reject the tactics used by Wise and others like him. We hope to dissuade venues from hosting Tim Wise as a speaker. There many alternatives better suited to speak on the subjects of racial disparity, economic fairness, and social justice. We hope that venues interested in discussing such topics will choose speakers and leaders who do not incite hatred.

This is a new initiative that is entirely facilitated by the work of volunteers. Unlike Tim Wise, we do not make a profit from our work, but we still believe it is important enough to sacrifice time and energy to achieve a true and holistic racial reconciliation. Despite our newness, we anticipate results very soon. If you want more information about how you can help to protest hatred at the podium please email us at For now, stay tuned because we will be providing resources you can use if Tim Wise is invited to speak in your town.